Listener Comments   


A few of the many emails sent to George following his departure from KCMO

" a friend..."

I am so disappointed that you're no longer on KCMO. I had grown accustomed to hearing your voice and your opinions and enjoyed your show a great deal. You always seemed like a friend to me. Your show was part of my day just as my morning coffee and commute...You're definitely one of the best in talk radio. Best wishes to you and yours--David C.
"...I am very grateful..."

I can honestly say I was not a fan of talk radio until your program caught my attention. You have a knack for presenting both sides of "debate" and then adding your perspective. More than once I have changed my point of view based on your explanation of an issue. You have helped to start my day for  the last two years and for that I am very grateful.--J.N.

Before you came along, I NEVER listened to local Talk Radio. My husband and I loved having you to help us get our day started. I am totally bummed...this is definitely Kansas City's loss. You had a great viewpoint and always gave your listeners a chance to share their side. Respectful...engaging...often we couldn't wait to call...whoever gets you is lucky.--Jane L.
" insights and great guests..."

Have enjoyed listening to you on the air the past months (years- wow, the time flies -just how long has it been?)...Basically, thanks for becoming a welcome addition to my drive into work many mornings for some time now and for bringing new insights and great guests to KC. I don't drink coffee, but not having you on in the mornings is like going off caffeine.--C.R.
"...a way with callers..."

I have to admit I didn't listen every morning, but when I did listen I always enjoyed your show. You had a way with callers that was fair but not simpering suckup. You were never afraid to call a spade a spade. I liked that.--Craig B.
"...consistently excellent..."

I listened to your radio program regularly each morning on my way to work. Your show was consistently excellent, which I'm sure does not happen by accident. I don't know the radio business, but I do know that you make something very difficult seem very easy, which is a talent all by itself. I found your opinions to be straightforward, intelligent, and fact-based. While I could not always agree with you, I always found your point of view to be reasonable and persuasive and occasionally I would even change my mind...thank you for providing me with hours of entertainment and information. I really do appreciate it.--D.M.


..."a wonderful interviewer..."

I've never been a talk radio fan until I started listening to you in the morning. I've learned a lot and I think it made me a better citizen because I made sure sure to keep myself informed. Your stories and anecdotes are fascinating and you are a wonderful interviewer. I miss you already!--Carrie W.
..."you have real class..."

I simply want to encourage you with the idea that you have real class and I miss you on the radio each morning. I like your courtesy and professionalism and the mix of light-hearted and serious news. I also appreciated the national and local news mix. Everything was in good taste, too...I'm finding no other place to go on the radio dial in the morning. So when are you coming back?--T. K.


"...master of control..."

I was only fortunate enough to become a loyal listener for about 7 months before your departure from 710 AM. I am waiting for you to reappear somewhere in this great USA...I must commend you on the expertise of your programming, you professionalism, and especially your master of control of the show. I know you will succeed wherever you go in this world.--Andrew W

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