A Talk Radio Philosophy
What Can George Woods Do for You?

Some of these thinking points are original. Some are adapted from the experience of others. All are designed to grow, develop, and keep audiences. 

  • You win audiences by walking in as a riveting, compelling storyteller who will hold up a mirror and reflect life, moving forward past other media and bringing in listeners. It’s not just hosting a show, it’s doing life on the radio.

  • Listeners turn to radio for gratification of their personal wants and needs. Radio listening is always a one-on-one and emotions-driven experience.

  • The right amount of time to talk about something is always variable. Feel the moment and stop before it has a chance to start becoming boring.

  • My ultimate goal is to stretch time spent listening. What can I say to cause listeners to stay tuned into the next quarter hour?  Sell benefits to the audience, don’t tell them to stay tuned just for features.

  • Would I talk about this if I did not have a talk show? If the answer is “yes,” it’s the right topic.

  • If they’ve got it somewhere else, three other places, what am I giving that is different, unique, and not boring?

  • Politics is really about money in a lot of ways, and always about each listener’s well-being.

  • Make someone late to work because they couldn’t leave their car until they heard what you had to say next!

  • Winning radio is always FUN for both the listeners and the host. A good sense of humor makes things fun without being silly.

  • The greatest interviews are conversations in which the host does more listening than talking.

  • Baby Boomers are the last generation raised on radio. AM/FM is not indispensable to the bottom half of listeners aged 25-54. Holland Cooke: “We need to explain radio’s benefits anew.”

  • The two rules of talk radio: Tell the truth and never be boring.

  • Rush is right: “If you develop a bond with an audience based on trust and credibility, that audience is yours.”

        I can help you grow, develop and keep audiences.
     Let's talk.

     George Woods
14409 W 83 Pl     Lenexa KS  66215-4172     (913) 310-007

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